There is an adaptation period with appropriate time frame for class instruction to help our incoming nursery class students better adapt to preschool life. Additionally, parents are invited to attend school organized activities along with their child. We hope that the children can soon incorporate into the school community with positive emotions and a great sense of belonging.
In order to help the upper kindergarten students to have a smooth transition into primary school, a series of activities such as school visits and simulated primary school classes have been organized. Letting children to be familiarized with life, environment and learning modes in primary schools setting, we hope to alleviate their stress during the transition period. Through the activities mentioned above, the kindergarten aims to increase the children’s confidence in facing challenges and ultimately have a stress-free transition period.
When adapting to the local education system, non-Chinese speaking students may face different level of challenges. This group of students needs additional help and attention from schools, teachers and parents to adapt to the Hong Kong Education System and incorporate into the community. The Education Bureau’ subsides for our kindergarten and its educational services to support our administrative staff, teachers and parents, have made possible the implementation of diverse learning activities for non-Chinese speaking students. Through these activities, we hope to help children to incorporate into the community with a strong sense of belonging. We aim to create a harmonious and culturally diverse environment to foster respect and understanding toward different ethnicities, languages and cultures, so that the children can grow up appreciating cultural diversity.
In accordance with the latest Kindergarten Education Curriculum Guidelines (2017) issued by the Education Bureau, our kindergarten has designed curriculums based on children’s development, learning needs and individual differences. If children with learning disability are identified, the school will give specific suggestions to parents and refer to appropriate professional assessment services.
Our kindergarten is participating in the SAHK’s “On-site Preschool Rehabilitation Service” program. SAHK will visit our school site to provide appropriate individual support and assistance to parents and children.